Sunday, September 5, 2010

Europe 2010 - Day Two - London

First of all, a list of reasons why England is backwards.
  1. People wear denim jackets, shiny denim jackets - apparently the shinier the better
  2. People still roller blade and ride razor scooters
  3. They cant speak their own language - Southwark is pronounced sutthock
  4. I saw a guy slide down the bannister of the escalator in a train station...
Denim jackets, sliding down bannisters, razor scooters!!!! GET WITH THE TIMES ENGLAND!

So anyhow, I arose first and went for a wonder around my sister's neighbourhood. It's an awesome spot, pretty close to the city, there's parks and shops just outside the front door. The downside is, it's in Highbury - Arsenal HQ... Despite this, it's a great spot.

When I returned, the others had awoke and we had brekky. I made the call early, that I felt Tip Top and was going to beat jet lag. I was greeted with scepticism, but I had the last laugh. We caught the bus (with two stories) into the city and blundered around. We saw Borough Market, which was awesome and all the touristy stuff like the palace, big ben etc. It was great - Liz and Bernard were great guides and it was good to see all that stuff. Its hard to imagine all that stuff was built before Australia was colonised. Trafalgar Square, Picadilly Circus and Leicester Square were less than exciting.

We stopped at several pubs along the way and sampled the many beers available here. Highlight was the Satan Ale (as seen in the gallery below). Belgian beer, great flavour and 8% alcohol... Reminds me a lot of Coopers Sparkling, except nicer. We took a boat up the Thames, which was the highlight. Before returning to Liz and Bernard's for dinner and a couple of games of crib.

We crashed at about 10.30... Several hours after our doubters (Liz and Bernard) said we would. plus we had walked more than 30,000 steps - thanks global corporate challenge. All in all a great day.

I don't know what it is about London, but it's great. It was a lot more relaxed than I thought it would be - with that said - I certainly wouldn't want to be on the tube during peak... That would totally suck - those train's are so small and they all pack in like sardines. Honestly, I just expected it to be more hustle and bustle but it had a great vibe. It really reminds me of Canberra. They have hight restrictions on buildings here, so there aren't too many skyscrapers and its really spread out. I can see why so many aussies live here.

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