Thursday, September 23, 2010

Europe 2010 - Day Nineteen - San Sebastian

I can honestly say, the trip from Bilbao to San Sebastian was one of the best bus rides of my life. I splashed out an extra 4 euros to take a first class bus. Leather seats, ample leg room, charge points for my laptop and WiFi. Though I spent most of the time looking out the window, the north of Spain has such an amazing landscape.

I arrived in San Sebastian around 1 o clock. It's a stunning place, exactly what I wanted it to be. A cool, laid back town with a great beach. I wish Lagos was like this. Obviously there were tourists, but it was much classier than Lagos.

The hostel I stayed at was Holga's Place... It was pretty much full with Aussies, Yanks and Germans. It was very social place which was really cool. I went to the beach, had a kip, read of a book and a swim. When I got back to the hostel, I played some cards with some Aussies there and then we all headed out for some beers.

I was very lazy on my first day and didn't take any photos.

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