Thursday, September 16, 2010

Europe 2010 - Day Twelve and Thirteen - Seville

The bus from Lagos to Seville to 6 hours and it wasn't really pleasant. There's the smallest amount of legroom ever and there wasn't a bathroom on the bus either. It took pretty much a whole day - but I was glad to be in Seville.

Seville is an amazing city and the food is top notch. There's so much history to the city and the streets are placed seemingly at random...Actually they are more like alleyways. Anyhow they all feed of each other and the buildings are really tall its just great to wander down. We were told the reason why the streets are built that way was to channel cool air around the city. It was a lazy 38 degrees yesterday.

The thing I like most about all these little streets is there is shade cloth between the building, its an excellent idea and really helps to cool the city down. We went on a walking tour to get our bearings and hear a bit about the town. There's so many interesting stories, to many to type out.

Most of the photos here are terrible. It's really hard to capture the sights, because there of such a grand scale, but with the most intricate detail.

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