Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Europe 2010 - Day Five - Marcus Wearing at the Berkeley

Today was Craig's birthday. To celebrate, we had arranged to have a tasting menu at the Berkeley Hotel in Knightsbridge. The chef, Marcus Wearing is looking to obtain his third Michelin Star at the restaurant.

The food was brilliant, the wine was great. But with all that said, it wasn't really my thing. I was pretty uncomfortable with the whole scenario - being waited on hand and foot. Filling up the glass of water before it even gets a quarter of the way empty and all that stuff. It's just not my thing. To me the whole thing is forced, while some of our waiters were good to have a chat to, it's all too formal for my liking.

The food though, was exceptional. Craig enjoyed the whole experience and that's what really counts. Afterwards, we went to Gordon's Wine Bar. It's one of the oldest wine bar's in London. We jagged a table inside this candlelit cellar - but at this point we would have fallen straight asleep if we stayed there for some time.

After finishing another bottle of red, we caught a cab home (during the tube strike, which really sucked) and packed for the adventures awaiting us in the morning.

Another brilliant day and a fitting way to Celebrate Craig's birthday.

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