Monday, September 6, 2010

Europe 2010 - Day Three - White Hart Lane

The day started with me rising earlier than the others... again. I went for a stroll to the Emirates to have a squiz and to stop off and grab a coffee. I'll give Arsenal this, its a pretty impressive stadium. But today was all about White Hart Lane.

When I got back from grabbing a coffee and bagel, the others were up and we were planning what to do. Liz really wanted to come to WHL with us so we figured today was the day. We went to the Angel (as in Angel Islington on the Monopoly Board) and had brekky and picked up some sim cards for our phones. Then we jumped on the Victoria Line to Seven Sisters Station.

It's quite a trek from the station to the stadium and to be honest, Tottenham isn't the greatest of areas. There was a block sectioned of with police tape and a forensic crew there. Several blocks up the road, was White Hart Lane.

The tour was awesome. We went to the press area, corporate boxes and facilities, the Chairman's box, Bill Nick's room, the Changerooms and the managerial area on the side of the field. It was awesome to be there, it's a great atmosphere there... If only it was game day.

We went to the spurs shop and then headed back to Liz and Bernard's where we scoffed on cheese and wine.

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