Saturday, September 11, 2010

Europe 2010 - Day Eight - Hangovers... and Sintra

So I woke up a little worse for wear. All those one dollar beers and late night chatting to other tourists had hit me pretty hard.

Bernard and I had always agreed to spend this morning following the Cats v Dockers game, so I was very happy to lie there and nurse my sore head. Just quietly, the radio commentary of the game was pretty awful. Dunstall and Lyon were absolutely giving it to Geelong, despite never freo not even being close at any stage of the game.

After the game we checked into our new hostel. We hadn't intended to stay in Lisbon 4 nights, but because we scored Sporting Lisbon tickets, we had to stay. Not as impressed with our new hostel, but it's still quite nice.

We then jumped on a train to a neighbouring town of Sintra. It's ab ancient Moorish town, dating back to the 8th century. I was still feeling dusty, and the bus ride up this tiny track to the castles on the hill was not helping matters much. We came within a mm of tacking out several cars.

We both aren't castle goers. But we paid 6 euros to walk around the walls of this really old castle. It was excellent, we could go out our own pace and check the place out. Amazing views - wait for the photos.

We returned. Had a traditional Portuguese dinner at this place called Antonio's. The service was piss poor, but to be honest, I think that's what makes Portugal special. It's so laid back. No one is in a hurry, everyone is friendly even when I make a meal of their language.

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