Saturday, September 4, 2010

Europe 2010 - Day One - Planes

The day started at 2.45 am for a 3am check in... very few good things can be said about that. Though, the travelling gods must have been smiling on us - we scored emergency exit seats for the 14 hour trek to Dubai... Legroom was glorious. Sleeping on the plane, less so. I think I managed about an hour or so sleep, scattered in 15 minute bursts for the entire flight. The Emirates in flight entertainment system is quite good though. Still 14 hours on a chair = sore arse...

We flew pretty much over cloud the whole way to Dubai, so looking out the window wasn't very exciting at all - until we actually got over the UAE. It looks awesome - especially Dubai, I really wish I'd opted for a day or two stop over. Oh well, next time.

It was a cheeky 45 degrees when we landed. We literally had 15 minutes between stepping off the plane and check in for our connecting flight. That was enough time to be very confused by the UAE's monetary system. Desperate for a coffee I handed over 20 Australian bucks to the exchange and hoped for the best. I ended up getting 60 odd godknowswhattheycallits - enough for my coffee, a bottle of water for Craig and some change for the scrapbook.

The 7 or so hour flight from Dubai to Heathrow will now and forever be known as the Tetris leg of the journey. Having made a pact to stay awake for this leg, we passed the time playing tetris. Again, the travel gods liked us, as the passenger supposed to sit on the window seat next to us didn't arrive. Glorious Legroom again!

Anyhow back to the tetris. We literally played multiplayer on the Emirates flight system for at least 4 of the 7 hours. Pausing only for meals and the occasional episode of Better off Ted. Craig got out to an early lead as I was clearly rusty. We had some epic battles - one game, I won 90 lines to 87. I finished strong, winning several games in a row - but in the end my slow start hurt me and I'll give my brother the title.

We finally arrived in London, more than 24 hours after awaking in Sydney. Immigration sucked, old mate let me walk right on through after having a squiz at my passport. Craig got given a more thorough interrogation by one of the more diligent boffins at the counter. She finally let him through and we were off to pick up our bags - and to customs. I couldn't get over how lax it was. We didn't even get inspected - customs is literally a door saying 'welcome - bring whatever crap you want in..."

Big sister met us at the gate and took us back to her place. I slept the majority of the taxi ride, though I do remember the first song I heard on the radio in the UK... Savage Garden's I knew I loved you... We said gday to Bernard - the brother in law, and my travel companion for parts of Portugal, had a beer and crashed.

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