Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Europe 2010 - Day Ten and Eleven - Lagos

Had a fairly early start to catch a train from Lisbon to our beach side town of Lagos. I was fairly bummed to leave Lisbon to be honest. While I think I’d seen pretty much everything it had to offer, I really enjoyed my time here. The people were great, the sights are cool and it’s got a very laid back vibe. Still hard to argue with the prospect of a couple of days sitting on the beach.

The train ride was about 4 hours. We bought a first class ticket for 26 euros, six bucks more expensive than a plebs ticket. That’s really great value, we had charge points for computers etc and plenty of legroom.

It was a great train ride, a good way to take in the countryside – which is remarkably like Australia’s. Dry grass, scattered with trees and for the most part, pretty flat. I really like train travel and I reckon it’s a shame that Australia doesn’t have the infrastructure or networks to make it a viable form of transport.

Spent most of the time here bumming around on the beach. There were so many Aussies here it wasn't funny. We met a few nice groups, but most hostels are full with Aussies getting smashed each night, not really what I was looking for. You can do that stuff at Mooseheads.

All in all, I enjoyed my time here and the beaches were pretty good, but I'm happy to be moving on to Seville.


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