Saturday, February 6, 2010

MIXTAPE: Top 25 Songs of 2009 - A Muse Free Zone

In the wake of the Hottest 100 being crap in many people's view, I've picked my top 25 songs from 2009. The rules: the song had to be released in 2009, either in the form of an album, or lead single. IE. No third singles from an album released a couple of years ago would be included. This eliminates a Knights of Cydonia as number 1 situation.

I think the problem with the Hottest 100 is that, you only get to choose 10 of your favourites and at a best case, have to put up with 90 of everyone else's. So really the chances of you enjoying the majority of the countdown is really slim and therefore it's quite easy to hate the majority of the countdown.

The other thing is that people just want to see their favourite band in the list, so they'll nominate whole albums, eg Muse. If people really think The Resistance is in any way one of their better albums they really are dreaming -yet there were heaps of their crap up there, and if you saw Kingsmill's blog where he posts 101-200, they were everywhere.

I put this together for a friend as we were discussing the countdown the other week, and so without further haste, my top 25 songs of 2009.

1. The Middle East - Blood This song is really quite sad, but I just can't help but smile and get into this song at the end. A great journey from start to finish.
2. Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros - Home any song with whistling in it is OK in my book. On top of that, this song is just so much fun to sing and whistle along to.
3. Mumford and Sons - Little Lion Man I think I may prefer The Cave but I just remember being really excited about this song when I first heard it and well it is a great song.
4. Grizzly Bear - While You Wait for the Others I definitely prefer this song over Two Weeks and I love the harmonies and that chorus chord progression.
5. Kasabian - Underdog If Take Aim wasn't so repetitive it would be my favourite track on West Rider Pauper Lunatic Asylum, but it is so underdog is here. Great sing along track.
6. Akron/Family - River I love this song and always sway about when it's on. Great layers for a 3 piece.
7. Florence and the Machine - Cosmic Love This is the song that made me really appreciate Florence. I remember first hearing this song at work. VJ made some crack about having a chest infection the same week as Lungs being the feature album. Definitely not the most popular choice, but I think it's the best song she's done and it was awesome live.
8. Death Cab for Cutie - Meet Me on the Equinox This song has a sense of urgency about it, which I really like. I know it was used on Twilight soundtrack, but I don't hold that against it.
9. Boy and Bear - Mexican Mavis Who are Boy and Bear exactly? I'm not exactly sure. They won the unearthed competition to play at Homebake. I can see why, this song is great.
10. Karnivool - All I know I think New Day was my favourite from Sound Awake but I think it's a bit rude to have a 9 minute song in a list like this. This was a clear second and is still a great song.
11. Jonathan Boulet - 321 Ready or Not Gee the poor ole Starlets's (my car) steering wheel copped a beating when I first heard this song. So jovial and it's he's right, I just want to dance.
12. White Rabbits - Percussion Gun I always want to sing along to this song, and it's got such a great rhythm and melody combo.
13. The XX - Crystalised The XX was my work soundtrack for a week, I love the intro track and it was a toss up between Islands and this one for inclusion in this list. Crystalised is just so much more interesting.
14. Peter, Bjorn and John - Lay It Down I always think of the people who go to Mooseheads when I hear this song. It's got a great melody and I've definitely sung the chorus to my flat mates a few times.
15. Passion Pit - The Reeling Definitely my favourite Passion Pit song and I just love the chorus... OOOOOHHHH NOOOOOOOO.
16. Leader Cheetah - Bloodlines I don't know how this fell so far down. I remember I was working on Australia Day Live 09 when I first heard this song and I was blown away. Their debut album The Sunspot Letters is may favourite album for the year by a long way. Great Aussie music with a good use of that 70s sound without blatantly copying one artist, unlike Wolfmother.
17. The Smashing Pumpkins - A Song for a Son A return to the Pumpkins that most people would enjoy. It's very much an homage (your could fairly say rip off) of Led Zep, but not in a Wolfmother kind of way. Still waiting for the rest of Teargarden...
18. Miike Snow - Animal (Mark Ronson Mix) I know this song isn't for everyone. I liked the original of this song. I love a good bit of Dub and Reggae and this mix hits the mark, so here it is in my list.
19. Automatic - Numbers Radio Another song that I don't know how it got in here and how it beat some of the songs below it. Triple J played this song flat our for a while and I really love the energy.
20. Phoenix - Lisztomania A lot of people messed their jeans for their new album. I wasn't sold, this and 1901 are the only good tracks. This one though is bloody great and it always makes me happy.
21. Bertie Blackman - Heart At first I hated all the ohh la las, but this song really grew on me and in the end those harmonies sold me. Great track.
22. Doves - Kingdom of Rust I'm not a huge fan of Brit-Pop but this song builds up really well.
23. Red Riders - Ordinary I'm sold on the guitar melody on this one. Great chill out sing along.
24. Tame Impala - Sundown Syndrome I like their psychedelic throwbacks and this song has a kazoo solo, ENOUGH SAID.
25. John Frusciante - Unreachable I'm a big fan of John's work, more than the Chili Peppers. This song is the highlight of his new album and I love the way it builds up and up to the end. A great journey.

So there it is... Honourable mentions to Sia for You've Changed, the Yeah Yeah Yeah's for Soft Shock and Lupe Fiasco with Shining Down.

Download the mixtape here.

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